

Hey there! I'm Kavian 👋 A front-end developer with 6+ of experience. My interests lie in Design Systems and web performance. My day-to-day work involves using Next.js, React, and Typescript - tools I thoroughly enjoy. As part of staying updated in this fast-paced frontend realm, I'm keeping a sharp eye on the emerging tech, Qwik. Beyond just writing code, I am passionate about mentoring and helping others. I find great joy in sharing my knowledge, learning from others, and navigating this tech journey together. And what's my advice to those I mentor? It's all about simplicity and clarity. Clean, simple code and well-structured architecture is the way to go. The KISS principle - "Keep It Simple, Stupid" - is a rule I live by and often share with others. Here, I'll be sharing insights and lessons I’ll learn along the way. So, let's dive into the ever-evolving world of front-end development together. Ready? Let's grow!
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